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Justin Bieber Skipped The VMAs To Sing Drunk Karaoke At A Strip Mall

This year’s MTV Video Music Awards were missing a few things: viewers, for one, live singing (not you, Beyoncé), the rest of Kim Kardashian’s dress and ― here’s something we’d never thought we’d say ― Justin Bieber.

Let’s get real. Apart from a handful of standout performances, Sunday’s VMAs might go down in the books as the one of the most lackluster ceremonies in history.

Where were the choreographed make-out sessions? Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke inappropriately grinding on each other? Moonman interceptions? 

While celebrities packed themselves into Madison Square Garden for no good reason, our boy Bieber was reportedly sipping on Jack Daniels all night at a karaoke bar in a Studio City, Los Angeles, strip mall bar. And honestly, we’ve never respected him more. 

According to various news outlets and Instagram videos shared on social media, Bieber stopped by Residuals Tavern on Sunday night to mingle with us common folk, before returning to his regular scheduled life of yachting (it’s a verb) with his rumored new girlfriend Sofia Richie. 

“He came in to the bar around 10 p.m. with a security guard who gave him plenty of space and waited by the door,” recounted one bar patron. “Justin knows the owner really well so [he] came in and drank for free, he was knocking back Jack Daniels neat and seemed really relaxed. After a few drinks he seemed to be in a really good mood and a few people were doing karaoke. The host said, ‘Justin’s going to sing for us tonight.’”

His song selection? Also your dad’s go-to karaoke pick, the 1957 classic “Great Balls of Fire.”

Watch clips of his performance below: 

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