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Let’s All Cringe Over Chris Rock’s Awful Advice For Michelle Obama

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If anything, Chris Rock knows how to leave an impression.

On Tuesday’s “Tonight Show,” the comedian remembered attending a final party at the White House for the Obamas.

“At one point, it’s me and Michelle Obama just talking. I’m not really supposed to be alone with Michelle Obama,” joked Rock.

As the comedian recalled it, “Michelle Obama’s like, ‘I don’t know what we’re going to do, the country,’ We’re talking about election and stuff. ‘I don’t know. I don’t know what’s gonna happen. This is such a crazy time.’”

Rock gave her some words of assurance: “I go, ‘You’ll be aight.’”

“I literally said that,” he continued, “I said that to Michelle. I said, ‘You’ll be aight.’”

The comedian tried to comfort the then–first lady by suggesting she could get any job she wanted after moving out of the White House, for example, on “The View” or “Real Housewives of Atlanta.” You can probably tell that this conversation didn’t end well.

“Michelle Obama looks at me, is like, ‘I was talking about the country. I wasn’t talking about me. I was talking about the country.’”

“I never felt so stupid in my life,” said Rock. “It’s like my GED flared up.”

Rock said that Obama then ran off to talk to Oprah while he went in search of “people as dumb as me.”

Yeah, perhaps it wasn’t the smartest thing to say to the first lady. But, in his defense, you haven’t made it unless you’re on “Real Housewives of Atlanta.”

“The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. ET on NBC.


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