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21 Tweets From Parents That Sum Up The Misery Of Daylight Saving Time

For parents, transitioning into Daylight Saving Time is ... put simply, a huge pain in the you-know-what. 

From getting kids to go to sleep while the sun is still shining to waking them up while it's pitch-black outside, the struggle is real. 

We've rounded up some of the funniest and most spot-on social media posts from parents about springing forward this year.

Enjoy the commiseration below.

Because being a parent of young children isn't difficult enough, we're pleased to introduce Daylight Savings™ - Your Parent Torture Device.

— Matt Goldstein (@mattgoldstein)

When the clock says, "It's time to go," but your body says, "Fuck daylight saving time." pic.twitter.com/OvALNPTqq7

— Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn)

The only way to do Daylight Savings time right is to have the kids sleep at Grandma's house.

— Jennifer Lizza (@outsmartedmommy)

Walk to the bus stop in pitch black. Thanks #DaylightSavingTime.

— Kelly Phillips Erb (@taxgirl)

#DaylightSavingTime have me like: pic.twitter.com/pBGE8lYdrV

— Carol Cain (@GirlGoneTravel)

I'm too tired to complain about Daylight Savings.

— The ParentNormal (@ParentNormal)

8:00 PM Daylight Savings - when every parent is used to their child being ready for bed and every kid is acting like a crazed Baffoon.

— sarah ward (@sarahalwayswins)

"This is bullshit."

- Me, waking up & looking at the time on my phone.

— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4)

On behalf of all parents who just woke up their kids for school,
Suck it, Daylight Savings Monday.

— Mommy, for real. (@MommyisForReal)

My kid before Daylight Savings. My Kid after Daylight Savings. pic.twitter.com/gTCVd3LQUg

— Susan McLean (@NoDomesticDiva)

Having kids basically feels like waking up on the first morning of daylight savings time every day for 18 years.

— Simon Holland (@simoncholland)

Daylight Savings... when you truly question both your math abilities and your decision to become a parent... #RMMSfam

— Jessica Borah (@JessicaBorah)

I will vote for whichever presidential candidate moves daylight savings to midday on a Wednesday. Just stop messing with our weekends.

— mama bird diaries (@mamabirddiaries)

Yawn. What time is it again? #DaylightSavingTime pic.twitter.com/wJITl0o2nS

— The Dose of Reality (@TheDoseTweets)

Daylight savings time is awesome! Said no parent ever. #DST #wtf #sleepshedule #ruined #parentingproblems #brb #cryingintomycoffee

— Jessica Nieto (@JessicaMarie826)

DST and me. #DST #typeaparent #meh pic.twitter.com/fBwi5KAhzm

— Kelby Carr (@kelbycarr)

Dear Daylight Savings Time,
Thanks for nothing.
A Parent

— Jon Ostrower (@jonostrower)

I feel like daylight's savings was intended to fuck with a parent's mind. #gothefucktosleep #momlife

— Christina Mulvihill (@cmulvihill717)

Daylight Savings parenting hack: send kids to sleep over at grandma's house. She thinks they're such a joy, let's see how she feels at 5am.

— Valerie (@ValeeGrrl)

Daylight savings will make or break you as a parent.

— abbs (@abbbbs_xo)

Few things make a parent contemplate moving to Pheonix, Saskatoon or Honolulu more than Daylight Savings time change anticipation.

— Kevin A (@kevinsky)

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